Top 10 Nutrition Strategies

Top 10 Nutrition Strategies

by Strive Nutrition

  1. Change your mindset

    Get rid of the “diet” mindset. There are no “good” foods or “bad” foods. Think of feeding your body nutritious foods from all five food groups. Make all foods fit.

  2. Eat Breakfast

    Start your morning with a breakfast that includes 3 of the 5 food groups.

  3. Fuel Regularly

    Skipping meals can lead to overeating and extreme swings in hunger and fullness. It can also interfere with normal metabolism. It is more difficult to make nutritious food choices when feeling irritable hunger.

  4. Portion Control

    Slow down, be mindful, eat at the table, use smaller plates/bowls, check in with hunger before second servings, portion out meals/snacks.

  5. Fix Healthy Snacks

    Snacks are a great way to fuel your body with healthy nutrients.
    Plan ahead, portion out, pick protein and include 2 of the 5 food groups.

  6. Focus on Fiber

    Vegetables, fruits, whole grains are great fiber sources. Fiber helps us stay full longer. It can also improve cholesterol levels and help manage blood sugar.

  7. Drink More Water

    Stay well hydrated. Often people mistake thirst for hunger. Goal is at least 64 oz/day.

  8. Take Care of Yourself. Make Sleep, Stress Relief, and Physical Activity A Priority

    Living in a stressed/chaotic state can alter hunger and fullness hormones. Sleep deprivation and stress can lead to an appetite suppression + overeating cycle.

  9. Trust your body

    Learn to pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Do you know when your body is way too hungry or way too full?

  10. Have A Plan

    Whether it’s planning meals for the week, snacks for the day, exercise, or choices when eating out, having a plan sets you up for success!

These strategies are provided by our Missoula neighbors and fellow Lagree MT-ers, Denise & Kate Zimmer. This mom and daughter duo make up Strive Nutrition, providing realistic, individualized, and empowering nutrition consulting.


Denise Zimmer, RDN, LDN


Kate Zimmer, RDN, LDN

We have partnered with Strive Nutrition in our 90 Day Challenge!